Products from SOMSO

21 From 26
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Death Cap BoS 23 Death Cap
Amanita phalloides (VAILL. ex FR.) LINK. Group showing the seven most important stages of development, mounted on a green base. Deadly poisonous and extremely dangerous!
Price on request
Honey Fungus BoS 24 Honey Fungus
Armillaria mellea (VAHL ex FR.) P. KUMM. Group showing 6 different stages of development, mounted on a green base. Poisonous when raw and edible when cooked!
Price on request
Death Cap BoS 25 Death Cap
Amanita phalloides (VAILL. ex FR.) LINK. 4 stages. Deadly poisonous and extremely dangerous!
Price on request
Field Mushroom BoS 26 Field Mushroom
Agaricus campestris (L.) FR. Edible.
Price on request
Plums and Custard Bo 27 Plums and Custard
Tricholomopsis rutilans (SCHFF. ex FR.) SING. Edible.
Price on request
Chanterelle BoS 28 Chanterelle
Cantharellus cibarius FR. Edible.
Price on request
Orange Bolete BoS 29 Orange Bolete
Leccinum aurantiacum (BULL.) GRAY. Edible.
Price on request
Primrose Brittlegill Bo 30 Primrose Brittlegill
Russula sardonia FR. em ROM. Poisonous
Price on request
Penny Bun BoS 31 Penny Bun
Boletus edulis BULL. ex FR. Edible.
Price on request
Fleecy Milkcap Bo 32 Fleecy Milkcap
Lactarius vellereus (FR.) FR. Edible.
Price on request
Grey Knight Bo 33 Grey Knight
Tricholoma terreum (SCHFF. ex FR.) KUMM. Edible.
Price on request
Bitter Bolete BoS 34 Bitter Bolete
Tylopilus felleus (BULL. ex. FR.) P. KARST. Inedible.
Price on request
Rufous Milkcap Bo 35 Rufous Milkcap
Lactarius rufus (SCOP. ex FR.) FR. Edible.
Price on request
Slippery Jack BoS 36 Slippery Jack
Suillus luteus (L. ex FR.) S.F. GRAY. Edible.
Price on request
Pig's Ear Bo 37 Pig's Ear
Gomphus clavatus (PERS. ex FR.) S.F. GRAY. Edible.
Price on request
Velvet Roll-Rim Bo 38 Velvet Roll-Rim
Paxillus atrotomentosus (BATSCH) FR. Of inferior quality.
Price on request
Brown Roll-Rim BoS 39 Brown Roll-Rim
Paxillus involutus (BATSCH) FR.Poisonous.
Price on request
Blusher BoS 40 Blusher
Amanita rubescens (PERS. ex FR.) GRAY. Edible.
Price on request
Fly Agaric BoS 41 Fly Agaric
Amanita muscaria (L. ex FR.) HOOKER. Poisonous.
Price on request
Gassy Webcap Bo 42 Gassy Webcap
Cortinarius traganus FR. Poisonous.
Price on request
Bay Bolete BoS 43 Bay Bolete
Xerocomus badius (FR.) KÜHN. ex GILB. Edible.
Price on request
Horse Mushroom BoS 44 Horse Mushroom
Agaricus arvensis SCHFF. ex FR. Edible.
Price on request
Parasol Mushroom BoS 45 Parasol Mushroom
Macrolepiota procera (SCOP. ex FR.) SING. Top edible.
Price on request
Parasol Mushroom BoS 46 Parasol Mushroom
Macrolepiota procera (SCOP. ex FR.) SING. Top edible. (Especially big mush-room).
Price on request
Velvet Bolete BoS 47 Velvet Bolete
Suillus variegatus (SWARTZ ex FR.) O. KTZE. Edible.
Price on request
Yellow Knight BoS 48 Yellow Knight
Tricholoma flavovirens (PERS. ex FR.) LUND et NANNF. Poisonous.
Price on request
False Chanterelle BoS 49 False Chanterelle
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (WULF. ex FR.)R. MRE. Edible, but of inferior quality.
Price on request
Brick Cap Bo 50 Brick Cap
Hypholoma sublateritium (FR.) QUÉL. Inedible.
Price on request
Saffron Milkcap BoS 51 Saffron Milkcap
Lactarius deliciosus (L. ex FR.) GRAY. Edible.
Price on request
Woolly Milkcap BoS 52 Woolly Milkcap
Lactarius torminosus (SCHFF. ex FR.) S.F. GRAY.,Poisonous.
Price on request
Devil's Bolete BoS 53 Devil's Bolete
Boletus satanas LENZ. Poisonous.
Price on request
Shingled Hedgehog BoS 54 Shingled Hedgehog
Sarcodon imbricatus (L. ex FR.) P. KARST. Edible, when young.
Price on request
Gypsy Mushroom BoS 55 Gypsy Mushroom
Rozites caperata (PERS. ex FR.) KARST. Edible.
Price on request
Common Earthball BoS 56 Common Earthball
Scleroderma citrinum PERS. Poisonous.
Price on request
Common Puffball BoS 57 Common Puffball
Lycoperdon perlatum PERS. ex PERS. Edible, when young.
Price on request
Trumpet Chanterelle Mushroom Bo 58 Trumpet Chanterelle Mushroom
Cantharellus tubaeformis (BULL ex FR.)?QUÉL. Edible.
Price on request
Horn of Plenty BoS 59 Horn of Plenty
Craterellus cornucopioides (L. ex FR.) PERS. Edible.
Price on request
Field Blewit BoS 60 Field Blewit
Lepista personata (FR. ex FR.) CKE. Edible.
Price on request
Common Stinkhorn BoS 61 Common Stinkhorn
Phallus impudicus L. ex PERS. Inedible.
Price on request
Honey Fungus BoS 62 Honey Fungus
Armillaria mellea (VAHL ex FR.) P. KUMM Poisonous when raw and edible when cooked!
Price on request
Sheathed Woodtuft BoS 63 Sheathed Woodtuft
Kuehneromyces mutabilis (SCHFF. ex FR.) SING. et SM. Edible.
Price on request
Albatrellus confluens Bo 64 Albatrellus confluens
(ALB. et SCHW. ex FR.) KOTL. et POUZ. Edible when young
Price on request
Sweet Tooth Bo 65 Sweet Tooth
Hydnum repandum (L. ex FR.), Edible.
Price on request
False Death Cap BoS 66 False Death Cap
Amanita citrina (SCHFF.) S.F. GRAY. Poisonous.
Price on request
Scaly Wood Mushroom Bo 67 Scaly Wood Mushroom
Agaricus silvaticus (SCHFF. ex SECR.). Edible.
Price on request
21 From 26